Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas 2009 Top 9 Toys That Could Sell Out Early!

Okay, I'm all for sharing anything that makes my life easier - SOOOOO - I was looking for the most popular toys this Christmas Season (I like to stay on top of things!) and this is what I found out...Here is a list of the top 9 toys that could sell out - meaning get it now! If one of these "must haves" is on your kiddos wish litst - it could land you in a long register line! If you'd like to stay home - just click on the links below and do your shopping from the comfort of your home :-)

But whatever you decide - get it NOW - or it may not be available.

Now don't say I didn't warn you!

Here they are - if you want more information on anything - just click on the picture:










There you have it! Now you can shop with your feet up and no crowds - Hope this makes your holiday season merrier and less stressful!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 Steps to More Money

I actually wrote this article and just had it published Sept. 17 (not too long ago!) I got some really good feed back soooo - I thought it was definitely worth sharing with you today! So read and enjoy...

I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in the details of wealth - that we forget about the basics. So today's article is dedicated to getting back to the basic steps of having more money. Anything and everything else you read or learn on this subject is just a more detailed, revised, or complicated version of the same thing! Here are the 3 basic steps to having more money.
Okay, we know what true wealth is. It's the things you can't buy - good health, family, friends, sunrises, sunsets, etc., I'm not talking about that type of wealth. I'm talking about having enough money to enjoy yourself at the end of your paycheck. Something extra to do with what you want. The ability to do this comes from following 3 pretty basic guidelines that really aren't complicated.
1. The most important rule to having more money: Make more than you spend, spend less than you make. This is more often than not overlooked - via credit cards, loans, cash advances, etc. If you cannot pay cash for something - do not buy it. I'm not necessarily talking about your mortgage, or vehicle (if you can, you should pay for these with cash - however, if not, make sure these monthly payments still fit comfortably within your budget). I'm talking about taking a good look at how much you actually make in a month, add up your monthly bills (this means EVERYTHING you spend money on every month) and subtract your spending amount from your income amount. This will be the amount you either have left to save and spend, OR the amount you need to "cut down". If you find you need to “cut down” – take immediate steps to accomplish this. It's that simple. Your goal is to have money left over to save and spend. Do whatever it takes to make this happen.
2. Take whatever you have leftover and SAVE at least 10% of this CONSISTENTLY. Even if you only have $10 dollars left - take at least $1 every payday and save or invest this. Do not touch this money - this is not even for emergencies. Once you put away this money, forget about it - let it begin to grow and then find ways to INVEST it.
3. Give. This is a step that many people simply ignore. You must give away a little of your wealth on a regular basis. All wealthy people do this, because there is something magical about showing the universe that you feel comfortable enough and wealthy enough to give a little away - and in so doing, more will be given to you. The trick is to do this without expecting anything in return and most importantly, with joy. So find something or someone to give to that brings you joy.
That's it - 3 steps to more money. If you follow these steps, I guarantee you will have more money and be on your way to acquiring more wealth in your life - everything else is just icing on the cake!

Want the icing on the cake too?! I have so much more to share with you my friends! Go to: www.creatingmoney4you.blogspot.com to read about my "dirty little secret" and how I learned how to make my money online!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health, Wealth, Happiness - Extreme

There is a time to focus on the basics of health, wealth, and happiness...eating right, excercising, getting plenty of rest, don't spend more than you make, save your money, focus on the things you already have and be grateful...yes. But then there are times when you need to step it up. So, today's post is focusing on taking it to the extreme!

Today's posts:

Health - When it's Time To Pump It Up

Wealth - When to Add More Income

Happiness - 3 Fun Ways to Find Your Joy



When It's Time To Pump It Up

Maybe you have conquered your goal of eating right, excercising on a daily basis, and getting plenty of rest, maybe you've hit a plateau, maybe you're in great shape and you're ready for a challenge, or maybe you are just bored with your current routine. These are all signs that it may be time to pump up your work out regimen.

If you have reached your goals of diet, excercise, and rest - then it may be time to step it up. It's important to make changes to your routine so that your body and mind don't get bored - because we know what happens when boredom sets in - muscles get used to the repetive movement and begin to not respond, metabolisms slow down, and our minds and spirits get discouraged. Luckily, it doesn't take much to keep this from happening.

There are a variety of simple easy ways to keep your health routine fresh - change up your workout schedule from morning to evening, or vice versa, add weights to your cardio workouts, add cardio to your resistance workouts, if you use taped workouts on dvd - purchase a new one, add an extra ab workout to your week.

If you are really into working out and consider yourself in excellent shape - well, then it may time to take it to the extreme! You may want to try something like the P90X workout, or maybe you're ready to enter into a triathalon, or local runner's marathon.

The important thing is to try something new and different...this keeps your body guessing and it doesn't get a chance to get into a plateau phase. And even more importantly, you take an important step toward keeping your workouts fun and exciting and continuing your journey toward excellent health!

Lose 9 lbs. every 11 days - Eat Your Way Thin - CLICK HERE.

When to Add More Income

Well, this is an easy one. You usually know when you need to add additional income because you can feel the impact of not having enough. But an important point to make here is that if you are one of the lucky few who feel content, are comfortable, and make enough to get by with a little left over - but do not currently have an alternative method of income...it is still time to add more income.

"Why?" You may be asking. Why would you want to add more income if you are happy with what you have right now? Well, let's think about this...the world is ever changing and no matter who or what you are, one thing is for certain..things never stay the same. Take our current state of economy...if there was one thing I'm certain most people who lost a job thought was - "I wish I had money coming in from an additional source when I lost my job".

So..Create an additional source for yourself now. Right now. Wealthy people do this all the time. It's not difficult.

Don't over think it. It doesn't require you getting an additional job. It just requires that you spend time doing something you already enjoy doing and deciding to find a way to make money doing it. And the internet has opened up all kinds of opportunities for anyone wanting to make more money. Look around you - internet travel agents, internet copywriters, you can give advice on practically any subject out there - dog breeding to scrapbooking - all on the internet. Thousands of people are making money this way - why not you?

Just find something you already enjoy doing, then google it and look to see what other people are doing on the internet to create an income. Pattern yourself after people who are already doing it. Of course it will take effort - but you'll be spending time with a subject you already enjoy. You might even decide to quit your day job! You could even create several streams of income!

Seriously, EVERYONE needs to step it up in the financial area. Regardless of whether you feel you aren't at risk of losing your current job - wouldn't it be nice knowing it didn't matter if you did? And think of what you could do with all the extra income...the important thing is to get started today!

Want to Add More To Your Income? Not Sure What To Do? To See What I did READ THIS.



3 Fun Ways to Find Your Joy

I love focusing on joy everyday. Some days are more difficult than others - but that's normal right? The important thing to remember is to feel your feelings and then find a way to get back on track, because our joy is where our power lies. The power to create, inspire/motivate yourself and others, and truly live and experience life around you!

However, there are times when you just can't seem to pull yourself out of a setback. Here are 3 ways I have found to help me get my focus back on the joy in my life:

1. Gratitude Journal - You've probably heard of this, but unless you've really tried it, you have no idea the power this has to get your mindset into one of pure joy. The best time is right before going to bed (I put mine under my pillow - or by my side of the bed to remind me!) Just before you turn out the light, simply write down 5 things you are thankful for that you experienced during the day - and really go over in your memory what made it a special moment for you. Examples: touched my daughter's little face, shared my lunch with a co-worker, my husband's corny joke at dinner, etc., WHATEVER made you smile and feel good during the day that you are thankful for. This literally takes 5 minutes...unless you decide to write more! Then off to sleep you go - into a joyfilled slumber.

2. Vision Board - Okay, this takes a little bit of time - but it is sooo fun! Anything I would like to have, be, or do in my life goes onto one of these boards. They are easy to create and inspiring. All you need is either a poster page (pick up at Wal Mart or grocery store for around $1) - then get out old magazines or print out pictures from the internet of ANYTHING you would like to have, be, or do. It's kind of like when you were a kid and you would just go thru a catalog and pick all of your favorite things. Now, whenever you need a little pick me up as to why you are going to work , or starting a home based business, or dieting/working out - look at your board for inspiration and smile!

3. Daily Motivators - I need daily doses of happiness, motivation, and inspiration. I have found the best way to remind myself is by reading or listening to a simple message every day that brings a smile to my face. You can do this by listening to CDs like Anthony Robbins or Mike Dooley while in your car. Or maybe you could sign up for a daily email message from your favorite joke site, or reading a good self help book during your lunch hour. The important thing is to keep feeding your mind with good, positive, messages that help maintain your joy on a daily basis. Whatever works for you, just do it daily.

And that's it - 3 fun ways to finding your joy! Do these 3 things everyday, and you will be well on your way to discovering more joy in your life. But don't stop there, there are hundreds of ways to add even more happiness to your life - actively look for more joy and it will find you!


Would you like f.r.e.e. daily, inspirational, fun messages from the Universe in your inbox? Go To: TUT.com


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Work At Home Job Bank Review

Do you absolutely dread getting up early every morning and going to your 9-5 job? Does the alarm clock go off at 6am and you groan and just want to cover your head with the pillow and stay in bed? Or maybe you are just tired of worrying about money and just need some extra cash at the end of the month.

If you're like me, I would go to work every day and find myself wishing I could find something I could make money at in the comfort of my own home. I was so tired of getting up, getting ready and then going to a job where someone else told me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Then when I would get off work and finally get home (which is where I wanted to be), I didn't really have enough money to do the things I wanted to do anyway! I literally got to where I hated going to work and started obsessing about working at home. I tried alot of "get rich quick" crap and read alot of "starting a small business" junk. All I really wanted was a real job that i could get paid to do AT HOME!!! Nothing fancy, just a paying job i could do while at home or from my computer. My main concern was a steady income, flexibility and FREEDOM.

While surfing the web at my job one day (I told you, I was obsessed with this), I stumbled across a really interesting website - or a "job bank" that listed literally hundreds of paid work at home jobs. I couldn't believe it - all kinds of them. I'm talking real, honest to god jobs that you can look thru and pick which one would work best for you (it was kind of like the want ads in the Sunday classifieds). The jobs range from hourly pay ($10 and up) to commission and contract pay depending on which job you decide on (writing papers, sales, etc.,). I finally found what I was looking for! I was finally headed for FREEDOM.

However there are both pros and cons to the site:


I was able to pick and choose which jobs I wanted to try. I narrowed it down to a customer service job at home. All that was required was high speed internet, phone with long distance, and good communication skills. It paid $12 per hour plus bonuses! Part time and full time was available (I went with part time, because I decided I also wanted to try one of the contract type jobs). I contacted them, they trained me over the phone and I was off. I got paid bi-monthly and it works just as if I was in a business office, except I'm AT HOME! Some of the work I can even do at Starbucks or wherever I can plug in a laptop. I love it and the people are great :-) Also, I like to write a bit, so I'm soliciting some of my stuff to one of the writing sites listed for contract pay. I just started with this, so I don't have results to report on this yet.

Also, this site constantly updates their listings - so the member is constantly receiving the newest job openings. There is part time, full time, contract and temporary work available. If you don't do well in one, just switch to something else. There's a wide variety of professional up-to-date opportunities, including clerical, financial, transcription, customer service, home operators, teaching online, even actual self starting businesses if you're into that sort of thing.


You do have to have your own equipment. Usually a high speed computer, long distance phone access (if phone calls are required for the job), maybe a printer, it really all depends on the job you choose - but if you're like me, I was willing to do what ever it took to be able to work out of my house. The other small drawback is that it is a members only site - meaning you do have to pay a one time fee to be allowed access to the listings, but luckily it is REALLY inexpensive - a LIFETIME membership for only $18. (It was $24 when I signed up.) They came down on the price to help people out in this crappy economy. But the nice thing is there is nothing else to purchase and no hidden fees.


I'm so happy with this site! I have been a member for over a year now and have never had to pay an additional dime. I started out with a part time customer service job and have moved on to a marketing/advertising position. I'm having so much fun working from home, and enjoy a more flexible schedule and spending time with my granddaughter! And I know if I ever get bored or unhappy with this job, there are more to choose from, because I have a lifetime membership. This small investment has been more than worth it to me and has paid for itself many times over. I have sang the praises of this site to everyone I know would like to work from home, have a part time job, or just make some extra money from home.

A friend of mine got 2 (yes 2 jobs!). She works one in the morning and another one at night. But she says she doesn't mind it at all, because she can do it while she works on other things at home.

Seriously, if you have ever considered the freedom of working from home or just working from your computer, this site is definitely worth taking a look at.

I highly recommend you check out this resource at : http://www.jobstophome.com/