Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health, Wealth, Happiness - Extreme

There is a time to focus on the basics of health, wealth, and happiness...eating right, excercising, getting plenty of rest, don't spend more than you make, save your money, focus on the things you already have and be grateful...yes. But then there are times when you need to step it up. So, today's post is focusing on taking it to the extreme!

Today's posts:

Health - When it's Time To Pump It Up

Wealth - When to Add More Income

Happiness - 3 Fun Ways to Find Your Joy



When It's Time To Pump It Up

Maybe you have conquered your goal of eating right, excercising on a daily basis, and getting plenty of rest, maybe you've hit a plateau, maybe you're in great shape and you're ready for a challenge, or maybe you are just bored with your current routine. These are all signs that it may be time to pump up your work out regimen.

If you have reached your goals of diet, excercise, and rest - then it may be time to step it up. It's important to make changes to your routine so that your body and mind don't get bored - because we know what happens when boredom sets in - muscles get used to the repetive movement and begin to not respond, metabolisms slow down, and our minds and spirits get discouraged. Luckily, it doesn't take much to keep this from happening.

There are a variety of simple easy ways to keep your health routine fresh - change up your workout schedule from morning to evening, or vice versa, add weights to your cardio workouts, add cardio to your resistance workouts, if you use taped workouts on dvd - purchase a new one, add an extra ab workout to your week.

If you are really into working out and consider yourself in excellent shape - well, then it may time to take it to the extreme! You may want to try something like the P90X workout, or maybe you're ready to enter into a triathalon, or local runner's marathon.

The important thing is to try something new and different...this keeps your body guessing and it doesn't get a chance to get into a plateau phase. And even more importantly, you take an important step toward keeping your workouts fun and exciting and continuing your journey toward excellent health!

Lose 9 lbs. every 11 days - Eat Your Way Thin - CLICK HERE.

When to Add More Income

Well, this is an easy one. You usually know when you need to add additional income because you can feel the impact of not having enough. But an important point to make here is that if you are one of the lucky few who feel content, are comfortable, and make enough to get by with a little left over - but do not currently have an alternative method of is still time to add more income.

"Why?" You may be asking. Why would you want to add more income if you are happy with what you have right now? Well, let's think about this...the world is ever changing and no matter who or what you are, one thing is for certain..things never stay the same. Take our current state of economy...if there was one thing I'm certain most people who lost a job thought was - "I wish I had money coming in from an additional source when I lost my job".

So..Create an additional source for yourself now. Right now. Wealthy people do this all the time. It's not difficult.

Don't over think it. It doesn't require you getting an additional job. It just requires that you spend time doing something you already enjoy doing and deciding to find a way to make money doing it. And the internet has opened up all kinds of opportunities for anyone wanting to make more money. Look around you - internet travel agents, internet copywriters, you can give advice on practically any subject out there - dog breeding to scrapbooking - all on the internet. Thousands of people are making money this way - why not you?

Just find something you already enjoy doing, then google it and look to see what other people are doing on the internet to create an income. Pattern yourself after people who are already doing it. Of course it will take effort - but you'll be spending time with a subject you already enjoy. You might even decide to quit your day job! You could even create several streams of income!

Seriously, EVERYONE needs to step it up in the financial area. Regardless of whether you feel you aren't at risk of losing your current job - wouldn't it be nice knowing it didn't matter if you did? And think of what you could do with all the extra income...the important thing is to get started today!

Want to Add More To Your Income? Not Sure What To Do? To See What I did READ THIS.



3 Fun Ways to Find Your Joy

I love focusing on joy everyday. Some days are more difficult than others - but that's normal right? The important thing to remember is to feel your feelings and then find a way to get back on track, because our joy is where our power lies. The power to create, inspire/motivate yourself and others, and truly live and experience life around you!

However, there are times when you just can't seem to pull yourself out of a setback. Here are 3 ways I have found to help me get my focus back on the joy in my life:

1. Gratitude Journal - You've probably heard of this, but unless you've really tried it, you have no idea the power this has to get your mindset into one of pure joy. The best time is right before going to bed (I put mine under my pillow - or by my side of the bed to remind me!) Just before you turn out the light, simply write down 5 things you are thankful for that you experienced during the day - and really go over in your memory what made it a special moment for you. Examples: touched my daughter's little face, shared my lunch with a co-worker, my husband's corny joke at dinner, etc., WHATEVER made you smile and feel good during the day that you are thankful for. This literally takes 5 minutes...unless you decide to write more! Then off to sleep you go - into a joyfilled slumber.

2. Vision Board - Okay, this takes a little bit of time - but it is sooo fun! Anything I would like to have, be, or do in my life goes onto one of these boards. They are easy to create and inspiring. All you need is either a poster page (pick up at Wal Mart or grocery store for around $1) - then get out old magazines or print out pictures from the internet of ANYTHING you would like to have, be, or do. It's kind of like when you were a kid and you would just go thru a catalog and pick all of your favorite things. Now, whenever you need a little pick me up as to why you are going to work , or starting a home based business, or dieting/working out - look at your board for inspiration and smile!

3. Daily Motivators - I need daily doses of happiness, motivation, and inspiration. I have found the best way to remind myself is by reading or listening to a simple message every day that brings a smile to my face. You can do this by listening to CDs like Anthony Robbins or Mike Dooley while in your car. Or maybe you could sign up for a daily email message from your favorite joke site, or reading a good self help book during your lunch hour. The important thing is to keep feeding your mind with good, positive, messages that help maintain your joy on a daily basis. Whatever works for you, just do it daily.

And that's it - 3 fun ways to finding your joy! Do these 3 things everyday, and you will be well on your way to discovering more joy in your life. But don't stop there, there are hundreds of ways to add even more happiness to your life - actively look for more joy and it will find you!


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